
Tuesday 30 August 2016

fun day

In the weekend I went to my mum’s house and we played soccer  with my mum’s friend. “That was fun’’, said my mum’s friend. The next day we played again. My mum’s friend said, “ i lost”. “You tried to win”, said Tricia. Soon it is lunch time. Mum said, “come inside now or you will get none”. “Mum i am hungry, i love chocolate”, said Tricia. “If you eat all your vegetables you can have some chocolate”, said Mum.Image result for chocolate

Monday 29 August 2016

The fox who foxed

Mr and Mrs fox had five little foxes. One day mrs fox said, I am so hungry, but I have to stay at home with my babies.,, I will get you a rabbit to eat said mr Fox. Mr Fox  said.i can't see any rabbits. I will see if I can find a fat little hen. He went down the hill to the  farm. He jumped at the door of the hen-house, and the door fell open. Mr Fox ran in. went the hens. A fox is in my hen house!,,shouted the farmer. He ran into the hen-house with a stick. He shut the door. The farmer hit Mr Fox, and Mr Fox fell down. God, i got him. He,s dead, said the farmer. Was Mr Fox dead? No, he was not. He was foxing! The farmer opened the hen-house door. Mr fox jumped up and ran away with a hen! Oh, On! Shouted the  farmer. Stop! Come back!,, Mr fox did not

Image result for fox who foxedcome back! He ran home to Mrs fox and the five little foxes. Here you are , he said. here ,s a hen for your dinner. A hen! Said Mrs Fox. Did the farmer see you? Yes he did, smiled Mr Fox, but i fixed him.

Tuesday 9 August 2016

The cinema is cool

We went to the cinema with my family and best friend. I was tired because the line was long. I got the five tickets and i also got free popcorn. The popcorn  was salty and buttery. The popcorn was pretty.